Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ska Week: Streetlight Manifesto

source: www.victoryrecords.com

Alec briefly mentioned last post that we are going to a big ska show this weekend down in Urbana-Champaign....this is true. Four of my personal favorite ska bands all in one place at one time is always a great thing. One of the bands that will be there is Streetlight Manifesto.

Streetlight is the creation of Tomas Kalnoky of Catch 22 "fame." If you get to know Tomas's music, you'll see that it is fast, brutal, yet somehow incredibly catchy. His bands always seem to weave intricate horn-lines through and around his incredibly fast singing. Tomas formed Catch 22 in 1996 and after recording their first cd, Keasbey Nights, he decided to leave the band. Catch 22 was and is still going strong (even though they just put out a terrible new cd)...but Tomas decided to start up Streetlight Manifesto in 2001. Their first cd, Everything Goes Numb, seems like a perfect sequel to the old Catch 22 album...uptempo, in your face, shouting, wicked bass-lines, and some I would even say "orchestral" melodies threaded in between the mayhem. The songs make me want to throw stuff all over my room and tear everything off of the walls...which is what is going to make the live show so incredible.

So basically, check out Everything Goes Numb. If you like it...check out Catch 22's Keasbey Nights. (Streetlight re-released Keasbey Nights in a much cleaner form...but if you want the true origins, I'd recommend the original with the poorer production and unintelligible lyrics...maybe I'm a bit biased)

Here is Streetlight Manifesto's Pure Volume site that has one track off of Everything Goes Numb. Let me know if you dig it!


Anonymous said...

I have always been a huge fan of Catch 22, and in fact bought Keasby Nights when it was first released. I find it very interesting that they decided to remake the album, as it is one of my personal favorite ska albums of all time. It is very true that one should listen to that copy rather than the Streetlight Manifesto version of it. Personally I find it to be much better than the "clean" version Streetlight Manifesto put out. The rough sound that they use throughout the album is what makes it as great as it is. As far as Streetlight Manifesto's new album, while I do enjoy it, it seems that they haven't changed their sound very much from the Catch 22 music. Maybe this is a good thing, Catch 22 has had some success with it, but there is so much potential within ska to have fresh sounds. The similarities between the two bands are very obvious, and personally I think Catch 22 does it better

Kyle said...

Yea, I agree with pretty much all of what you said. Streetlight didn't change their sound so much, but I think it's a good thing (at least for their first album). The thing I'd argue with is that Catch 22 DID it better....they aren't even close to the same band that they used to be. Alone in a Crowd was a good CD, and Dinosaur Sounds grew on me...but everything else has been terrible in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I would agree, what I meant was when Tomas Kalnoky was still with Catch 22, they had a better sound than Tomas Kalnoky with Streetlight Manifesto.