Monday, December 3, 2007

Big D and the Kids Table

Last night I was able to catch my favorite live band, Big D and the Kids Table, here in Pittsburgh. Big D comes from Boston, MA, always plays an incredible show with tons of energy, and always manages to injure something of Alec or mine whether it be a cellphone or three of Alec's, a few ribs, or a jaw.

Big D's live show normally thrives on raw energy from the band, and chaos in the crowd. The lead singer is constantly bouncing around the stage or on top of the crowd, the bass player is head banging with priceless facial expressions, and the lead guitarist has plenty of solos that make the crowd wiggle many fingers his way. And that doesn't even include the horns, which is what really separates this band from most other garage punk bands. They have style. Parts ska, parts rock, parts punk, and partially insane is what makes this band so much fun. And this last time I saw them, they seemed more polished than ever. Here is a cross-section of their work, which I hope you really enjoy.

Big D and the Kids Table - Wailing Paddle
I'll begin with 'Wailing Paddle' which starts with a lumbering bass line that is sped up by the introduction of a backbeat guitar line. It builds into a mosh-inducing pre-chorus that crashes into the chorus with everybody jumping up and down 'playing the rolls away'.

Big D and the Kids Table - Can't Be Caught
If that little taste of fun didn't quite do it for you, we go on to level 2 with a more traditional ska tune in 'Can't Be Caught'. Opening with horns and ska guitar, containing a sing-a-long chorus, and bouncing the whole way, this song is mad fun.

Big D and The Kids Table - L.A.X.
On to the absolute, hands-down crowd favorite, 'L.A.X.'. If you have ever heard more F-bombs in a song, please let me know. The lyrics are great. Apparently they don't like L.A. that much. And last night, right around 2:06 into the song I timed a jump in the middle of the pit right when he yells 'bleeding'. I may or may not have pretty much crushed an 18 year old boy that ran right under me.

Big D and The Kids Table - Chicago
Lastly, a chill tune if you hated the first three. The horn line was lifted from an old Coltrane tune, and it is named after a city quite dear to me.


1 comment:

Becca said...

Agreedddd. Big D is not only an amazing band, but they do put on a hell of a show.