Saturday, November 29, 2008

Love You Moon

You'd think that being unemployed I would have plenty of time to listen to and write about music, and you'd be right. Yet somehow I find myself struggling to motivate myself to find new music let alone write about it. Perhaps living in my parents house in a room with no stereo system and a semi-reliable internet connection has something to do with it.

Today I present to you Love You Moon, the side project RX Bandits frontman Matt Embree. The "group", which basically consists of Embree and a couple guest musicians on some of the tracks released their debut album this fall entitled Waxwane.

I've written plenty before about RX Bandits and their amazing musical abilities, and Matt is a great guitar player and singer. I think this cd is a decent display of his skills, although being an acoustic album he limits himself from the beginning. The cd is full of his powerful vocals, and of course politically and socially charged songs. Also featured, a staple of the Bandits, are lots of complex rhythms and interesting chord progressions. Matt does a great job of varying up the styles and parts that the sound doesn't become stale; however, my one piece of criticism is that at times he tries to do too much with his acoustic and it seems a little overdone.

Overall its a solid disc, and if you are in anyway a Bandits fan I recommend checking it out. If not I at least recommend listening to "Late May's Gaze" which is a beautiful and moving ballad that I have become somewhat obsessed with lately.

Love You Moon - David's Birthday

Love You Moon - Late May's Gaze

Love You Moon - Why Pop Stars Sell Silicone

Happy Belated Thanksgiving

- Alec

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