Welcome to spring quarter, definitely my favorite at Northwestern. Part of the reason its so great is the day-long music and alcohol binge that is Dillo Day. As we all know, Dillo Day is a storied and historic event at Northwestern, and one of its long-standing traditions is to not announce the bands until all contracts are finalized. This leads to last minute announcements within the last couple weeks that finally confirm who's playing this years festival.
That leads us to a counter tradition, and that is the rumors about which bands are playing. In case you weren't paying any attention, the Daily started it off about a month and a half ago by reporting that Lupe Fiasco will be performing this year. Personally I really hope this is true, cause I love Lupe and think he'll be a great fit. I've heard another rumor also that Lupe isn't even the headliner, that there's someone bigger, although I have a hard time believing that.
Anyways, here's the next rumor - Cake. According to certain online sources, the quirky alt-rock band from Sacramento will be playing Dillo Day. If you don't know who Cake is or don't listen to them, you should get started, cause concerts are always better when you know the songs.
Cake's style can be a little hard to describe. They are definitely a rock based group, but they throw in touches of many other genres such as jazz, funk, and country. The most distinctive part of the band is the lethargic, off-beat singing of front man John McCrea, who sounds like he has almost no interest in actually singing the song.
But rather than trying to really describe their sound, it's probably easier to just post some examples instead -
This first song The Distance is one of their best. If you don't like this song, well then there's something wrong with you.
And here's a couple more samples off some different albums